Bot in DepMaxAx64 + AdvExt64

Тема в разделе "General", создана пользователем Dazzel, 10 янв 2011.

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  1. Dazzel

    Dazzel New Member

    DepMaxAx64 + AdvExt64 last update

    players are able to use bot L2Walker IG Interlude, even while serving with the depmax, the serving of locpualo.
    depmax says in protection against bot, most not this against the IG Walker.
  2. Nish

    Nish AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Depmax is not anti-bot protection....
  3. loest

    loest New Member

    perhaps that explain it all
  4. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    Yes this explains all, our product is not an antibot.
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