Olympiad Buffer

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем loest, 11 авг 2010.

  1. loest

    loest New Member

    in hellbound, we have this olympiad buffer, sometimes it just dont buff ppl.
    and some other times it does but it take a while.
    so any one have the same issue?
    have any fix for it yet?
    im working on it but not sure what is the cause so any ideas will be apreciated.
  2. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    there are two issues with olympiad host
    1. when a player gets to the arena that was not used for a while, NPC server lags and buffer is unresponsive or skill desires just don't work for some period of time
    2. when a player disconnects during buff-time, sometimes host stucks in unknown state, i was not able to reproduce this, so i can't tell you more
  3. loest

    loest New Member

    so this lag, if the olympiad_host, have just spawn, when the player get there. could it be a solution?
  4. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    what is the solution?
  5. loest

    loest New Member

    npc_begin	citizen	36402	[olympiad_host]	level=70	acquire_exp_rate=0	acquire_sp=0	unsowing=0	clan={}	ignore_clan_list={}	clan_help_range=0	slot_chest=[]	slot_rhand=[]	slot_lhand=[]	shield_defense_rate=0	shield_defense=0	skill_list={@s_npc_damage_shield_p;@s_anti_move}	npc_ai={[olympiad_host];{[OLYfromHour]=10};{[OLYtoHour]=20};{[CheckTime]=5000}}	category={}	race=human	sex=male	undying=1	can_be_attacked=0	corpse_time=15	no_sleep_mode=0	agro_range=1000	ground_high={0;0;0}	ground_low={0;0;0}	exp=429634528	org_hp=1	org_hp_regen=0	org_mp=2444000	org_mp_regen=50	collision_radius={8;8}	collision_height={23.50;23.50}	str=10	int=10	dex=10	wit=50	con=10	men=80	base_attack_type=fist	base_attack_range=40	base_damage_range={0;0;80;120}	base_rand_dam=0	base_physical_attack=500	base_critical=0	physical_hit_modify=0	base_attack_speed=253	base_reuse_delay=253	base_magic_attack=500	base_defend=50000	base_magic_defend=500	physical_avoid_modify=0	soulshot_count=0	spiritshot_count=0	hit_time_factor=0	item_make_list={}	corpse_make_list={}	additional_make_list={}	additional_make_multi_list={}	hp_increase=0	mp_increase=0	safe_height=0	npc_end
    the olympiad_host have 2 ways time check, one for the time olympiad is running, and another for the rest of the time, and i changed from 2s to 5s the olympiad time check when it is running, it seens better now.
    although i still have some lines at ai i think there is no point.

    i0 = myself::GetStatusForOlympiadField(Arena);
    and i0 is'nt used at any place in that handler.
    Последнее редактирование: 2 сен 2010