[SQL] multiclass check

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем loest, 6 янв 2011.

  1. loest

    loest New Member

    i need some help to buil a sql quey to check for multiclass character, im not good on sql syntax but here is the idea
    for each user_data.char_id
    	for each subjob_id
    			if skill_id not //(skill list)
    				//remove that skill
    this is just the main idea, im gonna try to build this query, but any help will be appreciated.

  2. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Try to explain with words what you want to do, the "if skill_id not -> remove that skill" makes no sense...
  3. loest

    loest New Member


    well it need to be something like

    1- select the character
    2-check subjob1
    3-check every skill from that subclass, and remove those are not in the list.

    4-check subjob2
    5-check every skill from that subclass, and remove those are not in the list.

    6-check subjob3
    7-check every skill from that subclass, and remove those are not in the list.

    8-select the next character
    9-go back to step 1.

    basically this, but as i said i don't know how to use sql syntax yet

    i tried some ideas but so far i will need some time until i have it working

    this is some i have tested so far and well i need to manually add each class id and all the skill list yet :( .
    but i think this probably will work as i want.
    /* - Check multiclass Skills  - */
    USE [lin2world]
    SELECT     lin2world.dbo.user_data.char_name , lin2world.dbo.user_skill.skill_id, lin2world.dbo.user_skill.subjob_id
    FROM         lin2world.dbo.user_data
      lin2world.dbo.user_skill ON lin2world.dbo.user_data.char_id = lin2world.dbo.user_skill.char_id
    	lin2world.dbo.user_data.subjob0_class = 90
    and lin2world.dbo.user_skill.subjob_id = 0		/* subjob_id -- must use 0 -> subjob0, 1 -> subjob1, 2 -> subjob2, 3 -> subjob3!!!*/
    /* here goes the list of the skills that each class can have, any skills that isn`t on the list must be deleted */
    and not user_skill.skill_id in ('0','2') 
    group by lin2world.dbo.user_data.char_name , lin2world.dbo.user_skill.skill_id, lin2world.dbo.user_skill.subjob_id
    order by char_name
    well with that i can select, those things i want but i don't know yet how can i delete those.
    Последнее редактирование: 6 янв 2011
  4. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    I think you are going by a terrible hard way, i'm not sure what are u trying to do but probably a minor query will do it.

    The list of skills... is a predeterminated list? is always the same list for all chars and subjobs ?
  5. loest

    loest New Member

    the skill list are those from skillaquiredata
    the thing is, one of the advext updates had a crash and some guys have 2 class stuck, so i need to fix that.

    as i said i have no idea of sql, so im trying to do what i can :)
  6. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    I did a php script long ago to check exactly that, skills that are not suppoused to have, but first of all you need a database with all skills/levels etc (mainly skillacquire parsed and imported to db), you can't do it just like that...
  7. loest

    loest New Member

    yeah i already have the list, although i was thinking exactly on a php for parse the skillaquire and make the list for me, but it is kind of the same deal.

    i can get the skill list from user_skill, just get some clean characters (w/o multiclass :p) and it is done, well either way im not on such a hurry right now, so i can make one class at the time :)
  8. loest

    loest New Member

    so im trying to do the query like this:
    USE [lin2world]
    SELECT char_id
    FROM user_skill
    WHERE subjob0_class = my_class_id AND skill_id != my_skill_id
    but i keep getting this error:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
    The multi-part identifier "my_class_id" could not be bound.

    maybe the sql syntax is wrong, idk, if any of you can give me a hand on this will be aswome
  9. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    There is no such field "my_class_id"
  10. loest

    loest New Member

    yes i know that, i made one table called, user_skill_check
    wich have my_class_id, my_skill_id

    inside of it, i put all the skills from skillacquire.txt, the thing is i don't know how to use it, i mean, i tried that query but it give me that error, so i guess i need to fix the sql syntax, or something else. but since im not good at all at sql, any help will be great
  11. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Yeah... also subjob0_class isn't a field of user_skill table... you need to use INNER/LEFT JOIN to use more than one table, why you don't try to learn first... magic doesn't exist in sql.

    Also... the way you are approaching this is really bad... if you don't know SQL good enought try for example helping you in PHP if you know that better... so you can do basic querys and do all the checks and for/while/whatever in php.

    A basic idea how to perform this in PHP:

    - Generate a tree array with skillacquire this way -> $skills_tree[$class_id][$skill_id][$skill_lev] = $min_level_to_learn
    - Generate a parent class relation table
    - Go for the entire database and check each characeter.
    - For each character check each sub
    - For each sub check each skill (you need to get also the level of each subclass in order to compare)
    - Use both arrays to check if the skill is valid or not, based on the current class, the skill id and skill level if the array don't return a value you know is not valid skill, and even if return a value after that you need to compare the min level to current level.

    GIFT: Parent class relation array.
    // Parent class list
    $parent_classes = array(
    Последнее редактирование: 14 янв 2011
  12. loest

    loest New Member

    and what do you think im doing here?

    when you get stuck at learning process, usually, you ask for help.

    anyway i finish it so here it is
    USE [lin2world]
    --- Only Select ---
    SELECT user_data.char_name , user_skill.skill_id, user_skill.subjob_id
    FROM user_data
    INNER JOIN user_skill ON user_data.char_id = user_skill.char_id
    -- PS. this is for main class only, just change the subjob0_class to subjob1_class, 2, 3 to test he subclass too, but since it doesn't check the skill level yet than some skills can be missed. 
    WHERE user_skill.skill_id NOT IN (SELECT my_skill_id FROM user_skill_check WHERE user_skill_check.my_class_id = user_data.subjob0_class or user_skill_check.my_class_id = -1 )/* nobless and any other skill that can be used at any class will have my_class_id = -1*/ 
    ORDER BY user_data.char_name, user_skill.skill_id
    --- Delete the skills ---
    DECLARE @CheckMulticlass CURSOR
    DECLARE @char_id INT
    DECLARE @skill_id INT
    DECLARE @subjob_id INT
    SET @CheckMulticlass = CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR
    SELECT user_data.char_id , user_skill.skill_id, user_skill.subjob_id
    FROM user_data
    INNER JOIN user_skill ON user_data.char_id = user_skill.char_id
    -- PS. this is for main class only, just change the subjob0_class to subjob1_class, 2, 3 to test he subclass too, but since it doesn't check the skill level yet than some skills can be missed. 
    WHERE user_skill.skill_id NOT IN (SELECT my_skill_id FROM user_skill_check WHERE user_skill_check.my_class_id = user_data.subjob0_class or user_skill_check.my_class_id = -1 )/* nobless and any other skill that can be used at any class will have my_class_id = -1*/
    OPEN @CheckMulticlass
    FETCH FROM @CheckMulticlass INTO @char_id, @skill_id, @subjob_id
    DELETE FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND ISNULL(subjob_id, 0) = @subjob_id
    FETCH NEXT FROM @CheckMulticlass INTO @char_id, @skill_id, @subjob_id
    CLOSE @CheckMulticlass
    DEALLOCATE @CheckMulticlass
    all you need now is a table, user_skill_check, with my_class_id, my_skill_id
    or any name you like :)
    thx for those who helped me, apreciated :)

    well my script will not check everything, it will only check if you have any skill that isn't for your class, i will work on a better version to check skill level and player level as well
    Последнее редактирование: 14 янв 2011
  13. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    You know that way you are not considering parent class skills... or maybe yes (depend how you insert data in that table), but if you input skillacquire like it is... you need to look also for parent classes or you are going to delete skills that is OK.
  14. loest

    loest New Member

    yeah i know that, this version don't check the skill_level yet, neither character level, and i have done just the 3th class skills on my table yet, for now it will work for what i need, but when i finish the skillaquire parser than i will have a better script