CacheD Change Name

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем goncafa, 17 май 2013.

  1. goncafa

    goncafa AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Can some body bring me an example of package to change character name using PHP and CacheD please.

    Best Regards
  2. bartoruiz

    bartoruiz AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Name changes on retail were processed on a weekly basis, after every maitenance server reboot. So, I dont think CacheD is able to handle that, and it certainly doesnt care about it, all it use is account_ids.
  3. Au-Spec

    Au-Spec New Member


    There is no way to change it directly via cached.
  4. goncafa

    goncafa AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Ok, many thanks for the answers :)
  5. tcrider84

    tcrider84 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Actually name change CAN be done via cached and php. I have it working on a modified admin panel I've been privately working on. You must issue a character kick from game before issuing the name change.

    cached packet for name change:

    define('ChangeCharacterName',      4); // dS - charId, newName (char must be offline!)

    code snippet for php example of how to send packet (assuming you already have a cached class set up in php)
      if ($c_name_new!="")
        if (strcasecmp($c_name_new, $c_name)!=0)
          if ($l2w->is_char_exists($c_name_new))
           $err_str="A character with that name already exists."; //check if new name exists
         $err_str="Current and new character names must be different."; //check if current and new names are the same
       $err_str="A new character name was not specified."; //check if new name is blank
      if ($err_str=="")
        $result=$cached->sendPacket(KickCharacter, $c_id); //kick char out of game
        if ($result) //if kick successful proceed with name change
          $result=$cached->sendPacket(ChangeCharacterName, $c_id, $c_name_new); //send packet to change name
          if ($result)
            $info_str="Character $c_name has been renamed to $c_name_new"; //if change successful show success
            $log->to_file("Character $c_name has been renamed to $c_name_new. Additional information: server_id=$sid, char_id=$c_id.", "change_char_name"); //log not necessary if not using log files (but you should be)
            if ($func=="info_char")
    	 $tpl->assign("C_NAME", $c_name_new);
           $err_str="Unable to rename the character.";  //error msg if unable to rename
         $err_str="Could not kick character from the game."; //error msg if could not kick from game
    l2w=lin2world class
    cached=cached class
    Последнее редактирование: 28 май 2013
  6. goncafa

    goncafa AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)


    Ill try it. Many thanks you :)
  7. goncafa

    goncafa AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    But the package to change is this?

    pack("cVV",4,$_char_id, $new_name).tounicode('webadmin')

    Thats correct?
  8. tcrider84

    tcrider84 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    I would assume so yes. I use interlude. I do not know if it has changed in GF
  9. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    It is possible.. i has been doing it for years...

    This is a simplified version of how to use:

    function CacheDInteractive($buf) {
        $fp = fsockopen("localhost", 2012, $errno, $errstr, 2); 
        if (!$fp) return($GLOBALS['socketerrors'][-1]);
        fwrite($fp, pack("s", (strlen($buf)+2)).$buf);
        $len = unpack("v", fread($fp, 2)); 
        $rid = unpack("c", fread($fp, 1));
        for ($i = 0; $i < (($len[1]-4) / 4); $i++) { 
          $read = unpack("i", fread($fp, 4)); 
          $rs .= $read[1]; 
        if($GLOBALS['socketerrors'][$rs] != null) return $GLOBALS['socketerrors'][$rs];
        else return $rs;
    #4 ChangeCharacterNamePacket("dSS")
    function ChangeCharacterNamePacket($char_id, $new_charname) {
        $buf = pack("c", 4);
        $buf .= pack("i", $char_id);
        $buf .= tounicode($new_charname);
        return CacheDInteractive($buf);
    Like has been said before.. you need to kick the player first or it will fail.
  10. Au-Spec

    Au-Spec New Member

    WoW didn't knew, congrats.