[L2J] Lineage II Waytrel - 13/2/2016

Тема в разделе "Private Servers / Ваши сервера", создана пользователем John Wick, 23 янв 2016.

  1. John Wick

    John Wick New Member

    Lineage II Waytrel.
    Grand opening at 13/2/2016 - 20:00 (GMT+2).

    General Rates.
    - Safe enchant: +4 (+5 full body).
    - Max enchant: +16 (+20 with crystal).
    - Normal scroll chance: 70%
    - Blessed scroll chance: 90% (in case of failure, goes back to +4)
    - Crystal scroll chance: 80% (in case of failure, goes back to +16)
    - Augmentation chance: 15%

    Buffs & Skills.
    - Removed augmentation chance skills.
    - Anti-griefing skill (blocks unwanted buffs).
    - Cancellation returns canceled buffs after 7 seconds.
    - Available buff slots: 48 (+4 from Divine Inspiration).
    - Available augments: 1 active & 1 passive.
    - 4 hours buff duration.
    - Buffs are remaining after death.

    Olympiad Information.
    - Daily schedule is from 18:00 to 00:00 (GMT+2).
    - New heroes every sunday at 00:00 (GMT+2).
    - Skill refreshing after each fight.
    - Register restriction (you need 20 pvp kills).
    - Your enchant counts as +4 while in olympiad game.
    - If you are hero, you have only Heroic Valor on sub classes.
    - Olympiad manager shows ranking and points for each character.
    - Mini-scripts for daily & weekly olympiad period.

    PvP Information.
    - Unique reward for pvp inside massive pvp zone (Pandora's Box).
    - Unique reward for pvp inside events.
    - Massive pvp zone with auto flag, random respawns & stat restoring.
    - Protection against pvp feeding.
    - Every 1 hour, a player is getting rewarded for having the most pvp kills.
    - Every 5 pvp kills, you are getting announced.
    - Title colors based on pvp count.

    General Information.
    - Perfect geodata & pathnodes.
    - Spawn & teleport protection.
    - Auto learn skills & auto loot.
    - Increased inventory slots.
    - Champion monsters with extra rewards.
    - Sieges every sunday at 18:00 (GMT+2) only for Aden, Giran & Goddard.

    Additional Information.
    - All NPCs are available in main town.
    - Available sub classes: 5
    - All sub classes (directly 3rd class) are available at Maximilian.
    - Special clan functions are available at Maximilian.
    - Tattoo for fighters and wizards.
    - Raid boss jewels are available at Merchant.
    - Soulshots & arrows are inconsumable.
    - Stackable enchant scrolls, life stones and skill enchant books.
    - 5 special raid bosses.
    - Nobless item providing nobless status & 2 skills: Summon CP Potion & Build Advanced Headquarters.
    - Fame item in order to enchance your evaluation score.
    - Perfect designed farm zones including protection for new characters.
    - Incredible brand-new event engine with 4 events (TvT, CTF, DM, RITM).
    - Voting system for events.
    - Portable event functions by typing /events
    - Server voting system (global & individual).
    - Heavy armors are restricted for daggers & archers.
    - Funny mini-games (dice rolling, betting).
    - Rewards for players with the most pvp or the most farm each hour.
    - Simple protection against botting.
    - Unique & non-spam death recap (information about killer).
    - Announcement for raid boss spawn/death.
    - Accessories: Party Mask (Level 1), Wings of Destiny (Level 2, heroes only), The Lord's Crown (Level 3, lords only).
    Последнее редактирование: 28 янв 2016
  2. John Wick

    John Wick New Member

    features updated.