
Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем loest, 20 июл 2010.

  1. loest

    loest New Member

    i want to know about "manual_pch.txt", im working at one skill to remove some buff at oly, so ppl cant use frenzy, or icon, at begining. so i have this "i_dispel_by_slot".
    well the problem is that every time i use it it remove the buff i want and any other buff with this abnormal "[pa_up] = 0".
    so my question is: can i change the abnormal id at manual_pch?
    what happen if create a new one?
    there is any reason for this "[pa_up] = 0" to be zero instead of 1?

    btw as i could test, i made some new abnormal types and it work fine, although im not sure yet.