zakens curse

Тема в разделе "Help", создана пользователем Jamie2006, 27 окт 2010.

  1. Jamie2006

    Jamie2006 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)


    When I run the event over eventdata zakencurse everything starts fine exept when I buy the redemption bow and I start wearing it it gives a red event system message : Cupid's Bow - Event Use's remaining Mana is now 0, and the item has disappeard."

    Someone knows what this is about ?

    Gr Jamie
  2. Dru

    Dru New Member

    just ADD item_life_time=60 to your redemption bow in itemdata.txt
  3. Jamie2006

    Jamie2006 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    thnx testing it now
  4. Jamie2006

    Jamie2006 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    worked thnx :p
  5. Jamie2006

    Jamie2006 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    btw I noticed item_life_time=60 is 30 minutes, atleast after 30 minutes the mana is 0 again , am I correct ?