AI decompiler - new functions needed

Discussion in 'Server Side / Сервер' started by Magovit, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Magovit

    Magovit AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    I´m starting in the ai.obj world.. but i´m using old data funcions, handler and events... soo i´m thinking if someone can share it with me :)

  2. angrax

    angrax New Member

    im looking for the same xd!
  3. archangelus

    archangelus New Member

    i am also looking for the same thing, the problem with these things is that no one is able to share, they are afraid others will steal theyr work.
  4. F0tis

    F0tis AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    I am looking too for it, if anyone has botcheck, ai fuctions, new cached packets, skilldata effects, itemdata new parametres or anything else made by dvamp please share it is no so big deal....
  5. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby New Member

    Ok, I'll up an old topic.

    The ai.obj from Gracia Final PTS is now available, like the ai.obj from Freya. They are both free to get.

    I got a decompiler for the C4 ai.obj, and I want to update it. I need to update files such as events_c4.txt, handlers_c4.txt, functions_c4.txt and vars_c4.txt

    Anyone here know how I could update them, or try to do it ?

  6. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    you need to write a parser to get this info from ai.obj

    another option is to get a subscription to GF AI compiler and get decompiled AI for free
  7. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby New Member

    Could you please enlight me about the 2nd option ?

    I will try the first one tomorrow at work :)
  8. patagonia

    patagonia AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    I subscribe to the GF AI compiler?
  9. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

  10. Think7

    Think7 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    I'm unable to see this thread. I'll assume you must be a paying customer, thats fine.

    Can you give me a summary of this service and what it does? I'm trying to make my decision to start a server or not and i'm not sure of the available tools which exist now.

    I have been out of the came since Private C4 servers.
  11. FidoW

    FidoW AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    He isn't a customer, he is the guy that sold it.
  12. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    it compiles nasc code into valid AI.obj classes, no more no less
    what details do you want to hear?