
Discussion in 'Help' started by papko, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. papko

    papko New Member

    Вопрос такой, как выдать персонажу права на использование бана чата
    и при этом не давать ему появление в хайде и других гм прав

    begin_cmd stopsay=8 end_cmd
    begin_cmd hide=3 end_cmd

    Так не работает
  2. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    Some commands can be changed, others can't, because the function itself has level check, so doesn't works :).
  3. papko

    papko New Member

    на Ext.dll права можно менять по любому и работало хорошо(((

    Stopsay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    Announce 1 2 3 4 5
    Bk 1 2 3 4 5
    Eventmatch 1 2 3 4 5
    Ride 1 2 3 4 5
    Showparty 1 2 3 4 5
  4. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    Unfortunately the C4 project has been already finished, so it is not supported anymore, but good suggestion :).
  5. papko

    papko New Member

    плохо что закрыли, сервера же все еще в работе стоят, нужно хоть мелкие фиксы делать))
  6. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    i understand, the problem is time for this, my current time is very short for a too small demand.
  7. KIN

    KIN AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Fred, do you understand Russian? :)
    Or you should have really nice translator in other case :)
  8. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    haha not much, but sometimes google translator works.
  9. Netrocker

    Netrocker AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Чтобы не создавать отдельную тему, спрошу здесь. В скрипте BuilderCmdAlias.txt все команды закомментированы символом //. Если я хочу, допустим, поставить некоторые команды на 5 билд, мне нужно раскомментировать эту команду и дописать level = 5?
    command_begin command = [abnormal_change] alias = [abnormal_chang] level = 5 command_end

    I will ask in this thread not to make new one. In the BuilderCmdAlias.txt script all commands are marked with // symbol, are they inactive? What should I do to change the builder level of some commands? Just to write level = 5 and delete this // symbol before the line? And what for other commands? Should I leave them as they are now, with this // symbol?
    For example:
    command_begin command = [hide] alias = [hide] level = 5 command_end

    Thx. Спасибо.