Cloud'nt identify admin ID.

Discussion in 'Help' started by SHeve, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. SHeve

    SHeve AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Im using web system wich allow to use "VOTE SHOP", it means my website send socket to cacheD.
    The problem is in cacheD. Admin server created sucessfully but there is error:

    [.\adminsocket.cpp][4356] no admin ID

    - I can add admin account / admin char name / admin char ID to sending request, but it doesnt have effect.
    Maybe there is some file where to define Admin ID for admin server / chacheD ?

  2. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    This is a packet format issue, we don't provide support for these.

    But all you have to do, is format properly the data stream according to what cached is expecting.

    You don't have to search for any other solution, the only solution is properly distributing the bytes on each variable expected by the packet properly.