fr3dbr in active again ?

Тема в разделе "General", создана пользователем vengefull, 18 ноя 2012.

  1. vengefull

    vengefull AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    when the fr3dbr 'll be back really need to talk with someone he has contact conm fr3dbr.:)
  2. Jamie2006

    Jamie2006 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Fred is away due to health issues, I talked to him today and this could take a while. ( So no ETA at all )
    Need any help ask the other DEVS from this forum like Denis and so on.
  3. DH8

    DH8 New Member

    We can somehow help Fred?
  4. bartoruiz

    bartoruiz AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    You mean like praying? :confused:

    Health is first, always.....but I don't think he is awfully disabled to just post at least -something-

    He clearly don't wanna know anything about this anymore. :rolleyes:
  5. DH8

    DH8 New Member

    not hurt and may help... but I had in mind other help. If Fred needs a blood or marrow that can do some action...
  6. Jamie2006

    Jamie2006 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Nice gesture but if I am not mistaken he does not need any organs, it's just a very slow healing process for which he needs to stay in the hospital.
  7. Vision

    Vision New Member

    Who take care of the sales department now?
  8. DH8

    DH8 New Member

    Xeonc!!! pm him