[Help]npcpos - npcdata

Discussion in 'Help' started by srgcb, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. srgcb

    srgcb AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Hello everyone..
    I need help whith some things.
    I put the tvt event in mi server, but i dont find the npc in the cords of the npcpos, and mi idea is put this npc in some more citys, like giran, gludio, gludion and godard.
    And i need help to create a npcdata and npcpos for one gmshop with mulltisell and html. (i just create th multisell and htmls, just need the npcdata and npcpos)

    Ty very much for your help..
    bye bye bye..
  2. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    you should turn on tvt event in eventdata.ini, TvT event is not a retail feature, so it is based on events

    you can also put as many TvT managers in the same npcpos territory as you want with different coords
  3. srgcb

    srgcb AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Hello, i put this in the npcpos

    territory_begin [colesseum_tvt] {{151940;45646;-3498;-2000};{151936;45904;-3498;-2000};{151152;45904;-3498;-2000};{151152;46192;-3498;-2000};{150848;46448;-3498;-2000};{150848;46896;-3498;-2000};{151152;47280;-3498;-2000};{151152;47536;-3498;-2000};{151936;47536;-3498;-2000};{151939;47766;-3498;-2000};{151173;48738;-3498;-2000};{147854;48756;-3498;-2000};{147108;47814;-3498;-2000};{147104;47488;-3498;-2000};{147840;47488;-3498;-2000};{147840;47264;-3498;-2000};{148096;46944;-3498;-2000};{148096;46448;-3498;-2000};{147824;46176;-3498;-2000};{147824;45888;-3498;-2000};{147104;45888;-3498;-2000};{147104;45644;-3498;-2000};{147854;44709;-3498;-2000};{151149;44699;-3498;-2000}} territory_end
    npcmaker_begin [colesseum_tvt] event_name=[tvt] initial_spawn=all maximum_npc=6
    npc_begin [custom_pvp_matchmaker] pos={147892;25811;-2008;49152} total=1 respawn=1sec npc_end
    npc_begin [custom_pvp_matchmaker] pos={83046;148394;-3464;49152} total=1 respawn=1sec npc_end
    npc_begin [custom_pvp_matchmaker] pos={17914;145375;-3048;49152} total=1 respawn=1sec npc_end
    npc_begin [custom_pvp_matchmaker] pos={-81634;150188;-3120;49152} total=1 respawn=1sec npc_end
    npc_begin [custom_pvp_matchmaker] pos={-14120;123880;-3112;49152} total=1 respawn=1sec npc_end
    npc_begin [custom_pvp_matchmaker] pos={148368;-55404;-2776;49152} total=1 respawn=1sec npc_end

    and this in eventdata.





    dropitem0=event_medal 5
    dropitem1=event_glitter_medal 1

    droptime0= 2011/3/07-11:00 ~ 2018/4/15-23:59
    npctime0= 2011/3/07-11:00 ~ 2018/4/20-23:59


    and the npc dont apear..
    i need help please..
  4. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    your npcpos and eventdata is ok
    now check npcdata:
    custom_pvp_matchmaker has ID:36479 so it can be invisible
    as far as it is a custom NPC you should add it to your client data files
    another solution is to use any unused npc from npcdata for this purpose
  5. amshare

    amshare New Member

  6. bartoruiz

    bartoruiz AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    Does someone have the full TvT manager?, with .html's
  7. Neurodrive

    Neurodrive New Member

    Why don't you try to write them ? You just need to decompile the AI, read and write the correct bypasses for the stuff.
  8. moonchild21

    moonchild21 AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    Is tvt working for GF ?