How does respawn is calculated ?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Ptitlaby, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby New Member

    Hello everyone :)

    I'm not a private server owner, neither admin or gamemaster. I'm just a player, and I'm helping myself with the past leaks (C4, GF, Freya scrips) to understand the game better. A lot of information are available, and Iam very happy with what is possible to read/understand.

    I have a question today, which concern raibosses and their respawns.Let's take a random raidboss, Ember, as example.
    In the npcpos.txt I could read that :

    npc_ex_begin	[amber]	pos=anywhere	total=1	respawn=36hour	respawn_rand=24hour	dbname=[amber]	boss_respawn_set=yes	npc_ex_end	
    the interesting part is thie one :
    respawn=36hour	respawn_rand=24hour
    Now the main question is, how does it work ? Is it 36 hours respawn, then it spawns random for the next 24 hours ? Or it's 12h then 24h chance for him to respawn ? (aka 36 +- 12)

    If anyone could help me, thank you :)

  2. hoaz

    hoaz AdvExt64 Team

    36 +- 24
    so it will respawn in 12 - 60 hours
  3. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby New Member

    Thank you hoaz for the precision :)

    Have a nice day !
