Looking for a partner

Тема в разделе "General", создана пользователем srgcb, 30 сен 2011.

  1. srgcb

    srgcb AdvExt64 Customers (GF/GE/HF)

    I am looking for a partner to complete an online gaming site
    I have a demanding job,and for that reason, I was unable to complete the project due to lack of time.
    I have GF Advext64 files, and security system Kasha, I have a web site complete with secure acount manager, stats, raids, etc. I have a complete web administration panel.
    What I am looking for a partner, responsible, serius, with whom he could go ahead with the project, which is necessary to provide for initial expenses, and of course, share the profits.
    I need someone who can administer the server.
    If anyone is interested, send a pm.