Lotto Problem

Discussion in 'Help' started by Zconll, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Zconll

    Zconll New Member

    Hello i'm using interlude dvamp extender (26 january) and have a problem with lotto event.

    When i select "Previous winning numbers/Prize claim" show html with lastest winning numbers, but when i use "Return" option not happen nothing and l2server console show this error.
    This is ai funtion called for create html:

    myself:: Lotto_ShowPrevRewardPage (talker, 0);

    This error en l2 console:

    Same happen when you are choosing numbers and use "return" option.

    Weird with "Current reward" option work well when use "retun" option, problem happen when you use previous reward and page for choosing numbers only, ai is correct.

    is it a extender problem or mistaken mine?

    How can i fixes it?

    Thanks in advance