About: ServerRankings.com Summary: Advanced (Lineage II) server listings site Description: After a few years of using the most popular listing site (not mentioning names) i'm left unimpressed. Bugs aren't being fixed, no new features are added, pages load slow, rules are randomly being enforced, suggestions are ignored and contact with staff members seems near impossible. Recently many clone (copy-paste) - mostly banner / advertisement infested - websites have appeared, offering the exact same crap services. ServerRankings.com aims to put the bar a tid-bit higher, allowing numerous unique features: All servers can be accessed from the front-page with just one click Fully synchronized website, forum, Twitter and Facebook services Show location and community flags Portal support. Got multiple servers? List them in one portal if you fancy Show server file-types, supporting L2OFF-based, L2J-Based, L2JServer, L2JFree, L2DC and other emulators Support for Live, Beta, and Test servers Custom vote buttons allowed Vote button needed only to obtain votes, not necessary to be listed Advanced server searching using our extensive search engine Chronicle listings available from Lineage II's C1 up till the latest, Freya Direct links to a server's website and account registration pages Display last 7 day, this month's or last month's uptime statistics Display server-votes geo-location (helps in analyzing a server's community) Display server information about donation features Display server information about custom weapons and armors Display XP, SP, Drop, Adena and Spoil rates View how long ago a server's launch was View upcoming server launches Directly view the current online/offline status of a server This is just a general list of currently available features, more interesting features are planned to be added soon after more servers are added in the listing. All 8 official NA and EUR servers maintained by NCSoft have been added to the listings, to show you an example of the website's functions. Visit now @ http://www.ServerRankings.com (I posted this in the section i thought most appropriate, if however there's a better section then my apologies to the moderators, i ask you please to move it to which you deem better.)
Sounds good. One question tho the one thing all ranking sites are missing/not offerering is allowing a server to know when a players has completed a sussessful vote for your site. A lot of server like to give a lil reward for takeing the time to vote to help the server out. Would be nice if we "server admins" could have a script to get replies back on votes so we know and can keep track our selfs as well. Sure you have seen the Vote Reward Scripts out there already. Is this something you offer or will even think about offering? Other wise its just another ranking server "to me" with out this type of support. I will name names "xtremetop100" is one of the worse pos ranking sites out there, hands down... Really shitty support if you even get support as you said above and think they are sooo cool/better then everyone else for buying a site ranking site and hosting it. Just dont get a "Big Shit Head Ego" like these pos's... and you should be fine.
Thanks for your feedback, Zhengyi. Multiple people have suggested implementing such a function, and after thinking about it for a while i've come to the conclusion that it could prove usefull adding such. It will probably be implemented within the next few days, keep an eye out on the site!
looks nice, but design is not user-friendly. its hard to find server ranking and also hard to sort servers. for ex. some people dont understand what "EP", "FR" mean
Ya, could just make a drop down box with full names to select. Most would probably only select one option when looking for a server and that is the client version you want to play not all version I guess. Should also have an option to select L2OFF or L2J server types. That might help some as well. I would probably take off the Official NC servers on the site. But thats just me. heheh Maybe need to have an option to delete/remove account from site & server from listings.
Thanks for the feedback. I have added a mouse-over to explain the acronyms used for chronicles, i hope this to be sufficient. Dropdown boxes, while more efficient, don't allow users to search for multiple chronicles at the same time - which sometimes can be needed. This option is already available through the 'Advanced Filter options'. When you click the link there are also many other criteria displayed to filter on. They are currently listed only to help demonstrate the site's functions, when the list is populated enough i suppose they can be removed. Either way NCSoft shouldn't have a problem with them being listed, as i'm actually advertising their servers Good point, this will be implemented soon.
Also, a Callback Function was implemented today allowing server owners to check when a player has successfully voted. Please check http://www.serverrankings.com/forum/index.php?topic=39 for more information on this.
hmm something seems wrong with web server. Site is not coming up. Well its 50/50 either it will take 5mins to load or it will just time out.
Yes, i had noticed the same this morning. It appears the datacenter was relocating some servers. I'm not sure if mine was included in that, but it could be an explanation for the database being down. I'll keep an eye out
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A lot of feedback from users and visitors has been considered, and as a result we have restyled the entire ServerRankings website. Now we have a much better user-friendly navigation and more features, including an easy to use comment system. Most added servers are still L2J, so feel free to add your nice L2Off servers! Website: http://www.ServerRankings.com Forum: http://www.ServerRankings.com/forum