
Discussion in 'Help' started by brotherjcv, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. brotherjcv

    brotherjcv New Member

    My wordfilter.txt not work, it will not block any word that can be?

    // Script Specifications
    // word = the word or part of word you want to filter
    // mode = way to match the word (0 = matched word / 1 = contained word) [DO NOT WORKS YET]
    // log = log the event (1 = yes / 0 = no)
    // kick = kick the player (1 = yes / 0 = no)
    // warn = warn the player or not about what he said (1 = yes / 0 = no)
    // stopsay = will shut up of the player for a certain amount of time ( 0 = no stop say / xxx = minutes of stopsay you want )

    filter_begin word=www mode=1 log=1 kick=0 warn=1 stopsay=60 filter_end

    ; Please edit the WordFilter.txt file in order to add the blocked words !
  2. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    It does works, all filters have its fields separated by 'tab' key, so check this, also the file requires a empty/blank line at the end, or system will not parse it :p
  3. brotherjcv

    brotherjcv New Member

    This apart, so that copying and pasting the text does not appear, would not that work for me to analyze?
  4. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    i really did not understand what you said there, can you rephrase please ? :p